Rules of procedure for the meeting of the Committee of Anhui Vocational and Technical College

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 Anhui Vocational Yuan Party [20238

Act 1  

Article one According to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Grass-roots Organizations of Ordinary Higher Institutions, the Implementation Opinions on Upholding and Improving the System of President Responsibility under the leadership of the Party Committee of Putong Higher Institutions, and the Party Group of the Education Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee on issuing the Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Ordinary Higher Institutions and the Meeting of the President's Office (Notice of the model text of the Rules of Procedure of the School meeting, the Constitution of Anhui Vocational and Technical College, and other relevant provisions,Combined with college practice,Make this rule。

Article 2 Adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership of the work of the college, with political construction as the guide to comprehensively strengthen the Party's construction, fully implement the Party's educational policy, adhere to the socialist direction of running a school, implement the fundamental task of moral cultivation and education, and put the Party's leadership through the whole process of running a school, teaching and educating people。

Article 3 Adhere to the system of principal responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee。The Party Committee of the School exercises overall leadership over the work of the school, performs the main responsibility of governing the Party and running the school, plays a leading role in directing the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, grasping the team, leading the team and ensuring the implementation, supports the president to exercise his functions and powers independently and responsibly according to law, and ensures the completion of various tasks centered on personnel training。

Article 4 Adhere to democratic centralism and implement a system that combines collective leadership with individual division of responsibilities。All major issues must be considered and decided collectively by party committees in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic centralization, individual deliberation and decision at meetings。

Article 5 The Party committee of the College is elected by the congress of Party members of the College and is responsible for and reports on its work to the congress of Party members。The Party Committee of the College leads the work of the College when the party congress is not in session。

Act 2 Scope of decision-making

Article 6 The Party Committee of the College discussed and decided the following matters:


(2) EstablishmentFirst issue学习制度,将习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为每次党委会“First issue”;学习传达上级组织重要会议和有关文件精神,制定欧洲杯投注官网app落实的具体意见和措施。

(3) the term objectives of the Party Committee and the leadership of the college, the work report of the Party committee, the work report of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the work report of the dean, etc。

(4) To decide to hold a general assembly of Party members and a meeting of party representatives of the college, and to first review and give opinions on the proposed matters。

(5) To elect the secretary and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the College;The secretary and deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission elected through the meeting of the Party Discipline Inspection Commission of the college;Add and remove party committee members, etc。 

(6) Important matters for the Party building of the College。


2.Important matters and measures for strengthening the Party's political construction;

3.College party building work plan and annual work plan;

4.Important matters for the ideological and political work of teachers and students and the construction of teachers' ethics;

5.Important matters in ideological work and ethnic and religious work;

6.Important matters for building grassroots Party organizations and party members;

7.Important matters for the Party's discipline inspection work, Party conduct and clean government construction and inspection work;

8.The important matters of the college's quarterly comprehensive analysis and judgment of political ecology;

9.The important matters of the College's annual work of strictly governing the Party;

10.Strengthen the leadership of mass organizations such as the college trade union, the Communist Youth League, the student union, and student associations, academic organizations such as academic committees, faculty congresses, the United front, veteran cadres, retired and other important matters。

(7) Important matters concerning the reform, development and stability of the College, teaching, scientific research and administrative management。

1.Major issues concerning the reform, development and stability of the college, such as the College charter, the overall development plan and the comprehensive reform plan;

2.Important work plans and work plans, important reform measures, important rules and regulations for the connotation development of the college, such as the construction of teachers, student training, discipline construction, and college park construction;

3.The establishment and adjustment of the college's internal organizational structure and staffing;

4.Examination and approval of the annual financial budget of the College, adjustment of extrabudgetary funds (50More than RMB 10,000 yuan), additional extra-budgetary funds (no specific arrangements have been made), and other operations of large amounts of funds;

5.Disposal of important assets, allocation of important school resources and authorized use of intangible assets of the college;

6.The establishment and arrangement of major projects of the College, such as various national or local key construction projects, important projects of domestic and foreign surgery technology and culture exchange and cooperation, major joint venture cooperation projects, important equipment and bulk material procurement or purchase services, major capital construction and large-scale infrastructure repair projects;

7.The construction of academic organizations such as academic committees, as well as important matters in the academic evaluation, review and evaluation of the college;

8.Major commendations and recommendations at provincial and ministerial level or above, major commendations at college level;

9.Dealing with important matters and major emergencies of college security and stability。

(8) Important matters concerning the selection and appointment of cadres and the construction of cadres。

1.Important matters concerning the planning of the construction of the cadre team of the college and the education, management and supervision of cadres;

2.The selection and appointment of cadres above the section level in the Party and government institutions of the college and the secondary colleges;

3.The mid-level or above cadres of the college hold concurrent posts in enterprises and social organizations;

4.We will recommend outstanding young officials and candidates for Party congresses at higher levels, deputies to People's congresses, and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference。

(9) Important matters for personnel work。

1.College talent work plan, important talent policy and important talent project plan;

2.Important measures to innovate the working system and mechanism of talents and optimize the environment for their growth;

3.An important measure for political control of talents。

(10) Important matters for the construction of college culture and the construction of school style, teaching style and learning style。

(11) Staff salary system, income distribution and welfare benefits, rewards, punishments and other important matters concerning the vital interests of teachers, students and staff。

Act 3 Principles and procedures for decision-making

Article 7 Party Committee meetings are generally held once every two weeks, and can be convened at any time with the consent of the Party secretary in case of important circumstances。The meeting was convened and presided over by the Party secretary。If the secretary of the Party Committee is unable to attend the meeting, he may entrust the deputy secretary of the Party Committee to convene and preside over it。

Article VIII The members present at the meeting of the Party Committee shall be members of the Party Committee。A meeting can only be convened if more than half of the Party committee members are present;To discuss and decide on important matters such as the appointment or removal of cadres, more than two-thirds of the party committee members must be present。If a member of the Party Committee is unable to attend the meeting for any reason, he or she must ask the Secretary of the Party Committee for leave before the meeting。

The principal person in charge of the office of the College and the office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection shall attend the meeting of the Party Committee as a non-voting participant, the person in charge of the unit related to the topic may attend the meeting as a non-voting participant, and the representative of the teacher and the student may be invited to attend the major issues involving the vital interests of teachers and students。The Standing Committee may also convene an extended session。The number of persons attending the meeting and participating in the expanded meeting shall be determined by the Secretary of the Party Committee or the deputy secretary entrusted by the Party Secretary。Participants shall have the right to speak but no right to vote。

The ninth article The topics of the Party committee meeting shall be proposed after the approval of the competent leaders of each department, and determined after the approval of the Party secretary, or may be proposed by other members of the Party Committee or other members of the college leadership and determined after comprehensive consideration by the Party secretary。The secretary of the Party committee should listen to the president's opinions before the meeting, and the topics with different opinions should be postponed。Before the collective decision on major matters, the Party secretary, the president and the members of the relevant leading group should individually incubate and fully communicate。

Matters decided by members of the Party Committee of the College within their own powers are generally not submitted to the Party Committee for study and discussion。

Article ten The Party committee meeting should improve the decision-making consultation mechanism, the important matters to be studied and discussed, the relevant units of the topic should carry out in-depth investigation and research, fully listen to the opinions of all aspects, and carry out legal compliance review and risk assessment。For the professional, technical strong important matters,Should be subject to expert evaluation and technical, policy and legal advice,Important matters involving academic affairs,The opinions of academic organizations such as academic committees should be fully listened to;Important matters concerning the vital interests of teachers, students and staff,Should be through the faculty congress or other means,Listen widely to the opinions of teachers, students and staff。

Article 11 Party committee meeting topics to implement the system of one matter one discussion, topics related materials should be submitted to the college office two days in advance, the college office should be one day in advance of the meeting topics and related materials to the leadership of the college。

Article 12 Party Committee meetings are carried out item by item according to the established agenda, and topics are generally not moved temporarily without special circumstances or consent of the meeting moderator。

Article 13 The agenda of the Party Committee meeting is reported by the main person in charge of the department that raised the agenda, and relevant units can also participate in the report。

Article 14 The Party Committee shall practice democratic centralism in its deliberations and decision-making, and form resolutions or decisions on the basis of full discussion and in accordance with the principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority。In the event of major differences of opinion on important issues, decisions should generally be deferred。The Party secretary shall make a final statement。

Article 15 The meeting of the Party Committee shall take a vote when discussing and deciding on important matters. The vote may be conducted orally, by a show of hands, by secret ballot or by secret ballot, depending on the matters discussed and decided. The affirmative vote shall be passed if it exceeds half of the members of the Party Committee present at the meeting。The opinions of Party committee members who do not attend the meeting may be expressed in writing, but shall not be counted in the votes。If the meeting discusses and decides on multiple matters, it shall vote on them one by one;When deciding on the appointment or removal of more than one cadre, a vote shall be taken one by one。

If a Party committee meeting cannot be held in time to make a decision in an emergency, the secretary, deputy secretary or other members of the Party Committee may deal with it on the spot, and shall promptly report to the Party Committee afterwards and confirm it according to procedures。

Article 16When voting on major issues such as the selection and appointment of cadres, the affirmative vote can only take effect if more than half of the members of the Party committee should be present。The appointment or removal of cadres who must be submitted to the competent authorities at higher levels for approval and record shall be handled in accordance with the relevant procedures。Temporary motions are not allowed to decide on the appointment or removal of cadres。Decisions on issues on which there are major differences of opinion and decisions cannot be made for the time being should be deferred。

Article 17 The Party committee shall notify the head of the relevant unit to attend the meeting, listen to opinions and answer questions when deliberating the topics of the meeting。

Article 18 Party committee meeting resolutions are divided into the following categories: approval or adoption;Approved or adopted in principle, implemented or issued after making corresponding modifications as required;Do not form a resolution for the time being, and instruct the relevant units to put forward opinions before further research;disapprove。

Article 19 If the topic of the Party Committee meeting involves the participants themselves and their relatives, they must withdraw。

Article 20 Decisions or resolutions made at the meeting of the Party Committee shall be made public in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions。The participants shall abide by the confidentiality provisions for the confidential contents of the meeting and the decisions of the meeting that have not been formally announced。

Act Four Implementation and supervision of agreed matters

Article 21 Matters decided at the meeting of the Party Committee shall be organized and implemented by the competent leadership of the College or relevant units。The implementation shall be reported to the Secretary of the Party Committee or the Party Committee in a timely manner。If it is clearly the responsibility of the relevant units, the college office is responsible for communicating and supervising the inspection。

The Party committee of the college shall establish an effective supervision, evaluation and feedback mechanism to ensure the implementation of decisions。

Article 22 College units and individuals shall promptly implement the matters decided at the Party Committee meeting;Those who fail to implement the law shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant provisions;If any major adjustment is necessary during the implementation of the decision, it shall be submitted to the meeting of the Party Committee for decision;If reconsideration is required, the issue shall be resubmitted in accordance with Article 9。

Chapter Five  

Article 23 The office of the College is responsible for the meeting affairs of the Party Committee meeting, which mainly includes: collecting topics, issuing meeting materials, notifying participants, making meeting minutes, compiling and distributing meeting minutes, distributing the college leaders and relevant units, and archiving meeting materials。

Article 24 The Party Committee of the College is responsible for the interpretation of these rules, and the specific work is undertaken by the office of the College。

Article 25 This rule is from2023131The original relevant systems and rules shall be abolished at the same time。