



From the overall situation of reform, development and stability, from the height of politics, stability and development, firmly establish the ideological concept of "stability is overriding everything", and adhere to prevention under the unified leadership of the university Party committee and administration,Prevention and emergency treatment should be combined, strict preventive measures should be taken, a rapid response mechanism should be established to deal with public emergencies, school property and personal safety of teachers and students should be effectively guaranteed, political stability and normal teaching, work and life order of the school should be fully maintained, and losses should be minimized。


为指导校内各部门、各二级欧洲杯投注官网app健全突发公共事件应对机制,This plan is formulated in order to effectively prevent, timely control and properly deal with all kinds of public emergencies of the school, improve the ability of rapid response and emergency handling, establish and improve the emergency mechanism, ensure the life and property safety of teachers, students and staff of the school, ensure the normal order of education, teaching and life, and maintain the safety and stability of the school。


In accordance with the "Education Law", "Higher Education Law", "Criminal Law", "Assembly, Procession and Demonstration Law", "Assembly, Procession and Demonstration Law implementation Regulations", "Public security Administration Punishment Law" and the provincial Department of Education "Anhui Education System Emergency Plan for Public Incidents" and other laws, regulations, rules and normative documents,特制定本预案。




1、社会安全类突发公共事件。Including all kinds of illegal assembly, procession, demonstration, petition, collective meal strike, class strike, petition, mass disturbance and other incidents involving teachers and students inside and outside the campus;All kinds of illegal missionary and political activities;Various terrorist attacks on teachers and students,师生非正常死亡、失踪等可能会引发影响校园和社会稳定的事件等。

2Public health emergencies, that is, events that occur suddenly and cause or may cause serious damage to the health of teachers and students in schools。It includes public health emergencies occurring in schools and public health emergencies occurring in school districts that may cause harm to the health of teachers and students。

3、事故灾难事件。Including fires in school buildings and buildings;Building collapse, stampede and other major safety accidents;Major traffic accidents on campus,Campus surface ice drowning accident;Large group activities public safety accidents;Accidents of water supply, electricity, gas, oil, etc. which cause significant impact and loss;Major environmental pollution and ecological damage accidents;And other sudden disasters that affect school safety and stability。

4、网络、信息安全事故。Including the use of campus networks to send harmful information, reactionary, pornographic, superstitious propaganda activities;Theft of confidential information of the state, educational administrative departments and schools, which may cause serious consequences;Various incidents that damage the security operation of campus network。


6、考试泄密、违规事件。Including the unified examination organized by the state, provincial and school, in the topic management, paper printing, transportation, storage and other links of the leak incident, as well as in the examination implementation and marking organization and management of the process of violations。



 1、以人为本,减少危害。Perform the functions of management and service, effectively protect the health, life and property safety of teachers, students and staff of the whole school, and minimize the casualties and hazards caused by public emergencies。


 3、统一领导,分级负责。重大问题由学校突发公共事件应急处置工作领导小组讨论决定,统一部署、指挥。The handling, reporting and issuing of general problems shall be carried out by the office of the Leading Group for emergency response after consulting the person in charge of the leading group;All departments shall, under the guidance and coordination of the Office of the Leading Group for public Emergency Response of the school, perform their respective duties and actively carry out their work。


5、快速反应,果断处置。不断完善细化学校All kinds of emergency plans for public emergencies, establish a rapid response mechanism, and on all kinds of emerging problems and tendencies that affect stability, we should base on prevention, catch early, catch small, and act quickly to prevent fast。Once the incident occurs, it is necessary to ensure that the discovery and report are timely, the command and disposal are decisive, and pay attention to the close connection of all links, so as to respond quickly and timely, and solve the problem in the bud。

6、教育疏导、化解矛盾。The fundamental purpose of preventing and dealing with public emergencies is to ensure the stability of the overall situation of the school, so the related work of "education channelization and resolving contradictions" is extremely important。All departments, secondary college leaders and student management personnel should focus on the overall situation, based on their own duties, in accordance with the working principles of "moving emotion, understanding reason, can be separated but not together, can be followed and not connected", strengthen positive publicity, active education and guidance, stabilize the emotions of teachers and students, resolve conflicts in a timely manner, and effectively prevent the expansion of the situation。

7、依法规范,加强管理。In accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations, strengthen emergency management, safeguard the rights and interests of teachers, students and employees, and promote the standardization and institutionalization of emergency work。

8、加强保障,重在建设。从法规上、制度上、组织上、物质上全面加强保障措施。In terms of leadership energy, financial support and force deployment, we should strengthen hardware and software construction, enhance emergency response capabilities, and improve work efficiency。


Public emergencies are generally divided into four levels from high to low according to the urgency of the event, the scale of the formation, the behavior and intensity of the event, the possible harm and impact, and the possible spread and development trend.I级)、重大事件(II级)、较大事件(III级)、一般事件(IV级)。(具体划分情况分别见各类突发公共事件应急处置中事件级别划定部分)。



The work of preventing and handling public emergencies of our university is under the unified leadership of the university Party Committee, and the "Anhui Vocational and Technical College Emergency Response Work Leading Group" (hereinafter referred to as the "Emergency Leading Group") has been established.


1、应急领导小组的主要职责:To study and formulate major decisions and guidelines on school response to public emergencies;To review school emergency plans at all levels for public emergencies;To organize and direct the handling of public emergencies;To coordinate with the provincial Department of Education and other relevant departments and units in dealing with public emergencies;Responsible for reporting incident details to superiors,贯彻上级的处置意见;按照法律规定,Draft decision on the imposition of a state of emergency in schools;Draft emergency regulations, emergency decisions and orders;To be responsible for the information release, follow-up treatment, investigation and evaluation of public emergencies;To analyze and summarize the handling of public emergencies。






3To formulate comprehensive documents, reporting materials, speeches by leaders and summaries of work on preventing and handling public emergencies;

4To put forward relevant policy suggestions and suggestions for coordinating the prevention and handling of public emergencies with daily teaching and administrative work;



7According to the authorization of the emergency leading group, timely submit the relevant information of public emergencies to the Provincial Department of Education and the relevant functional departments of Hefei City, and solicit handling opinions and relevant support;






The main responsibilities of the working group are: to unify, coordinate, organize and direct the school's response to public emergencies involving social security;Research to determine the nature, type, and magnitude of the event,确定与其他类特定事件应急处置预案的联系,Issuing emergency response tasks;Promptly go to the scene of the incident to command, urge or carry out investigation;To formulate the standards and contents of information submitted to the Department of Education and relevant departments, and request instructions and assistance from superiors;To formulate the time and method of public announcement and disclosure,并报送应急领导小组办公室发布;督查各二级欧洲杯投注官网app和相关部门的处置工作。



The specific division of labor of the working group is as follows: The Security Department is responsible for the emergency handling of public emergencies such as accidents and disasters in the school,学生处负责全校学生事故灾难类突发公共事件应急处置工作,工会负责教职工事故灾难类事故突发公共事件应急处置工作,The Logistics Management Office is responsible for the emergency treatment of water supply, electricity and gas in public emergencies such as accidents and disasters,财务处负责事故灾难类突发公共事件应急处置工作专项资金的安排。

The main responsibilities of the working group are: to guide the school to establish the prevention and monitoring and early warning mechanism of accidents and disasters;To supervise and guide the prevention and handling of public emergencies such as accidents and disasters by all departments and secondary colleges;Collect information about public emergencies such as accidents and disasters,及时向各部门、各二级欧洲杯投注官网app通报,并提出有关对策和措施;对突发的灾难事件,视其性质和严重程度,研究提出是否在一定范围内停课,通知有关政府职能部门等事宜;对一般灾难事故,密切关注事态发展;对特大灾难事故,After receiving the report, go to the scene to participate in the command and accident investigation work at the first time;The casualties of teachers and students were classified and counted。


成立公共卫生类突发公共事件应急处置工作小组。The team leader is the vice president in charge of security work, and the deputy team leader is the director of logistics Management Office and the director of the school office。工作小组成员由校各部门、各二级欧洲杯投注官网app主要负责人组成。工作小组办公室设在后勤管理处,日常工作由后勤管理处承担。电话:64689330

工作小组主要职责为:在当地卫生部门指导下,To be responsible for the emergency handling of public health emergencies in the school;Timely collect information about public health emergencies in the university and local areas,并适时向各相关部门通报情况,To put forward the school's emergency response to public health emergencies policies and measures and urge their implementation;Summarize and disseminate the experience and practices of all localities and universities in responding to public health emergencies in a timely manner;Urge the school to investigate the responsible person according to the nature of the incident。



The main responsibilities of the working group: under the leadership of the government's natural disaster emergency command department, actively cooperate with relevant departments to carry out emergency work;Carefully analyze the impact of natural disasters on schools and make timely decisions。Establish special funds for responding to public emergencies of natural disasters, and formulate the use amount and use plan of the relevant special funds according to the disaster situation;If necessary, in-depth on-site coordination and disposal to control the development of the situation。



工作小组的主要工作职责为:通过技术手段对校园网有害信息实施24Hourly monitoring;Timely handle the large-scale dissemination of major harmful information on the campus network, or large-scale hacker attacks on the campus network system, and the spread of computer viruses;Report the situation in time。


 成立考试安全类突发公共事件应急处置工作小组。组长由分管教学工作的副校长担任。副组长由教务处处长、纪委副书记、基础教学部主任担任。The members of the working group are composed of the school office, the Student Affairs Office, the Security Office, the Discipline Commission office, the academic Affairs Office, and the party and government leaders of the incident department。


The main responsibilities of the working group are as follows: confirm the level of the incident and start the corresponding plan;To make decisions;Timely report to relevant departments;Assist the education department, local public security authorities and relevant departments to arrange relevant actions。





1)迅速: Departments and individuals who first discover or receive a public emergency shall report to the emergency leading group at the first time and shall not delay reporting。学校根据情况立即报告省教育厅,最迟不得超过3小时。在向省教育厅报告的同时,还应向当地公安部门等相关机关报告。






After receiving the report, the office of the working group on public emergencies shall immediately report to the leader and deputy leader of the working group by telephone;At the same time, report to the office of the emergency leading Group, and carry out work according to the requirements of the school leaders;At the same time, keep in touch with the incident department to further verify the situation。After receiving the information, the office of the emergency leading group shall report to the leader or deputy leader of the emergency leading group as soon as possible, and notify the relevant departments and their relevant working group offices。


After the implementation of the telephone report of a public emergency, the receiving department and the receiving person shall immediately report in writing to the leader and deputy leader of the emergency leading group, and at the same time report to the office of the emergency leading group, and promptly carry out work in accordance with the relevant plans and leadership requirements。The office of the emergency Leading Group shall promptly report major and important information to the provincial Department of Education and relevant departments according to the opinions of school leaders。


1Basic information about the occurrence of the incident, including the time, place, scale, personnel involved, extent of damage and casualties;







1It is necessary to raise awareness, implement measures, keep a clear head at all times, especially during holidays and sensitive periods, and strengthen prevention work to prevent the occurrence of public emergencies。

2、加强对师生员工的安全教育。All departments should strengthen the safety precautions and ideological and political education of the faculty and staff, and the medical office of the school should regularly carry out publicity and education on the knowledge of epidemic infectious diseases。The Security Department, the Student Office and the secondary colleges should combine various forms of freshman entrance education and often carry out legal education and security education for students, enhance students' understanding of the law and law-abiding concepts, improve their own security awareness, master self-rescue methods for public emergencies, and fundamentally prevent the occurrence of major incidents。

3、加强重点要害部门的管理。根据“突出重点,兼顾一般”的原则,The following places are listed as key parts of our school: teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, student apartments, restaurants, baths, libraries, archives, finance office, computer rooms, broadcasting stations, medical offices, office buildings, teaching and staff dormitories, chemical storage warehouses, water towers, pump rooms, and power distribution rooms。Key key parts, by the security department to do a good job of overall prevention, strengthen key technical monitoring and personnel patrol monitoring;The user unit shall strengthen daily supervision, and report to the relevant departments of the school in a timely manner once problems are found。

4All secondary colleges and student management departments should strengthen the construction of dynamic information networks, give full play to the role of student cadres, and grasp the dynamics of students' thoughts in a timely manner。要经常研究影响学校稳定的新情况、新问题,做好舆论舆情的分析,对可能引起学生高度关注的国际国内重大事件,Especially for endangering the lives and property safety of teachers and students or involving national sovereignty and national interests and other issues that easily stimulate students' emotions,And the sensitive period, major political activities, major festivals, major cultural and sports activities and the occurrence of various major public emergencies,在落实安全措施的同时,应及时把握师生思想动态,加强教育引导。

5The network information Center should strengthen the monitoring and management of the Internet, especially the campus network, and timely detect and eliminate undesirable speech and harmful information。

6Under the unified deployment of the emergency leading group, all departments and secondary colleges of the school should support and cooperate with each other, implement personnel, clarify responsibilities, refine work measures, and implement various work and requirements。

7、加强应急反应机制的日常管理,在实践中运用和完善应急处置预案。All working groups should strengthen personnel training, carry out exercises regularly or irregularly, and constantly improve the command and disposal capabilities in response to public emergencies。

8Reserve human, material and financial resources to deal with all kinds of public emergencies in the school, and ensure the emergency facilities and equipment for the prevention and on-site control of public emergencies and the necessary expenditure。






特别重大事件(IAfter the occurrence, the school immediately launched relevant plans, the main person in charge arrived at the scene in time to organize and coordinate, and made every effort to carry out emergency disposal。有关情况及时上报省教育厅,同时报告当地有关部门。


特别重大事件(IAfter the occurrence, the school immediately launched relevant plans, the main person in charge arrived at the scene in time to organize and coordinate, and made every effort to carry out emergency disposal。有关情况及时上报省教育厅,同时报告当地有关部门。

(三)较大事件(IIIAfter the incident, the main person in charge of the incident unit and department shall lead the emergency personnel to carry out the work。主要负责人要亲临现场指导工作,随时掌握情况,必要时启动相关预案。


The person in charge of each department and each secondary college shall handle the work according to the relevant plan;When necessary, the office of the leading group will send people to the scene to organize emergency response work, and decide whether to initiate relevant plans according to the situation。

All departments should dynamically adjust the incident level according to the development trend of the incident, timely adjust the emergency measures and programs, increase the intensity of emergency response, and improve the pertinence and timeliness of emergency response work。



The university and all departments and secondary colleges shall establish and improve the operation mechanism of information collection, transmission, reporting and processing of public emergencies, improve the information transmission channels, keep the information transmission facilities and communication equipment intact, keep the communication convenient and fast, and ensure the safe and smooth information reporting channels。


The relevant departments of the university and the secondary colleges shall establish a reserve of materials for handling public emergencies to ensure sufficient materials。保证物资、器材的完好和可使用性,物资存放合理,物资运输便利、安全。


The Finance Department shall incorporate emergency funds into the financial budget to ensure the necessary funds for preventing and handling public emergencies。


All departments and secondary colleges should strengthen the reserve of emergency personnel, set up a reserve team for public emergencies, and ensure that the team members can be quickly convened and put into use once the plan is launched。


All working groups and departments should actively carry out skills training of emergency response teams, regularly organize emergency simulation exercises, and improve the prevention and control capabilities of coordinated operations and rapid response。校组建的预备队伍的培训演练每年开展一次。




在突发公共事件处置中,有下列情形之一的,Administrative sanctions such as notification of criticism, warning, demotion, removal or dismissal shall be given to the principal responsible person, the person in charge with responsibility and other responsible persons;Constitutes a violation of the Law on Penalties for Public Security Administration,由公安机关予以处罚;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。









1All departments and secondary colleges should attach great importance to this work, the secretary of the General Party Branch and the administrative person in charge of personally organizing and implementing the deployment measures, clear responsibilities step by step, effectively achieve the leadership in place, measures in place, and personnel in place, and must not leave hidden dangers because of work errors or paralysis。

2In daily work, it is necessary to do a good job of ideological work of party members, cadres and the masses, improve ideological awareness, clear responsibilities and tasks, and always prevent the occurrence of public emergencies。

3Strengthen online monitoring, remove or shield harmful information in a timely manner;Strengthen the collation and collection of information, strengthen duty work, report abnormal situations at night and other times at any time, and decisively handle the work。

4All departments and secondary colleges should cooperate with each other, obey the deployment, cooperate in combat, and exert the overall combat ability。


(1) This plan is a guiding working document for the preparation and response of public emergencies of our University, and all departments and secondary colleges shall comply with it.And according to the actual situation of the department, the unit, referring to the overall plan of the school to formulate the department, the unit of the public emergency emergency work plan, and reported to the school for the record。

